How to find who did a selective deletion, when and what was deleted

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How to find who did a selective deletion, when and what was deleted


Whenever you make a selective deletion, there is a log that keeps that information in the same place that you did the selective deletion.


In the same place that you did the selective deletion, right-mouse click on the InfoCube, and select the menu option “Manage”

InfoProvider Context Menu

Select the “Contents” tab

"Contents" tab
“Contents” tab

At the bottom of the tab, click on the “Delete Selection” button

Delete Button
Delete Button

In the window that pops-up, click on the button “Log”

"Log" Button
“Log” Button

You will see a log that details date, time, user, fact table, numbers of records and the number of the log

log entry
log entry


The job that runs the selective deletion has a prefix of “BI_INDX” and executes the ABAP/4 report RSINDEX1.

The tables that contain this selective deletion log are:
RSDRDLOGHEADER Log Delete Actions (Header Table)
RSDRDLOGPOSITION Log Delete Actions (Positions)

SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

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Rounding in BEX queries – formulas

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Rounding in BEX queries – formulas


There is no rounding functionality in formulas in the BEX query Designer (if you feel this information is not true, please contact us).


If you want to round a key figure “KF” to have zero decimals:
( FRAC ( ‘KF’ ) < 0.5 ) * FLOOR ( ‘KF’ ) + ( FRAC ( ‘KF’) >= 0.5 ) * CEIL (‘KF’)

An equivalent MS Excel formula you can use to test is:

If you want to round a key figure “KF” to have 2 decimals:
( FRAC ( ‘KF’*100 ) < 0.5 ) * FLOOR ( ‘KF’ * 100 ) / 100 + ( FRAC ( ‘KF’ * 100 ) >= 0.5 ) * CEIL (‘KF’ * 100) / 100

The equivalent MS Excel formula to test it is:
=IF(A5*100-TRUNC(A5*100)<0.5,FLOOR(A5*100,1)/100,CEILING(A5*100,1)/100 )

SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

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How to verify SAP BI 7 Transformations between systems

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How to verify SAP BI 7 Transformations between systems

Frequently a transport log for a transformation ends with errors or warnings. There are multiple causes for errors, most of them due to out of sync objects, for example, an object (cube, DSO) was modified in the source system and not transported to the target system. In case of errors, after diagnosis, a new transport is needed.

However, there are cases in which there are warnings, with no or little guidance as if they are relevant, such as ‘could not delete routine’ or ‘routine deleted’. In order to verify that the transformations are OK, the long way to go is to compare all mappings and routines between the 2 systems. A quick way is based on the transformation programs comparison, using transaction SE39 “Splitscreen Editor: (New)”. This transaction allows to compare 2 programs, either in the same system or separate systems.

To find the name of the programs for the transformations, execute transaction SE16 “Data Browser” in both systems. Entering both fields SOURCENAME and TARGETNAME with the corresponding fields will suffice. If you don’t know which transformation the transport refers to, get the Transformation ID from the transport object list (SE09) and enter it in the source system RSTRAN field TRANID. Be aware that this same TRANID won’t show up on the target system, but in the RSTRAN field ORGTRANID (this also happens with DTPs, table RSBKDTP). Field RSTRAN-TRANPROG contains the transformation program name, just add prefix “GP” to this value.

Execute transaction SE39 and click on the button “Compare Different Systems” (Shift-F7)

SE39 ABAP Split Editor


Once you click on the button, a new field will open for the RFC destination. As the landscape Development -> Quality -> Production is normally configured, normally you will find a corresponding RFC entry. It is also helpful to compare between landscapes, project versus production support, but not always the RFC connection is available.

SE39 Split Editor Remote comparison

Once you have entered the RFC destination (e.g. the quality system), and the 2 transformation program names, this initial screen will look like this


Now, click on the “Display” button.

Depending on the system settings, you may need to login into the target system. You will get a 2 column display of the programs

Program Comparison

To check the differences, click on the button “Comparison On” (CTRL-F4), this will highlight the differences, and with the button “Next Difference From Cursor” (CTRL-SHIFT-F9), you will navigate through the differences. Normally the differences are only related to timestamps and user IDs between systems, but you will find differences if the transformations are not identical.

SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

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Detailed Transport Documentation

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Detailed Transport Documentation


When analyzing the contents of a transport, it’s often challenging to understand all entries in the transport because some of them are ‘cryptic’. Instead of having a meaningful key, they have a system generated one that makes it hard to figure out. This is the case for report elements, update rules, transformations, InfoPackages, Routines and Formulas. The Object types in transports are described in table OBJT and in the ABAP/4 include LTR_OBJECTSF02 . In later versions, you can access now certain BI objects by double-clicking on it on the transport screen, for example, transformations.

Documentation tool

A documentation tool that uses the tables mentioned below to translate the generated IDs is useful to follow up on transports: (transport entries are stored in table E071).
InfoPackages: RSLDPIO and RSLDPIOT
Reporting Elements: RZELTDIR and RZELTTXT
Routines: RSARROUTT, formulas: RSAFORMT
Transformations: RSTRAN, update rules: RSUPDINFO

Demo tool

This transport documentation tool was created in MS Excel. Another possible approach would be a similar program in ABAP/4. For a demo, click on Detailed Transport Documentation Demo

SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

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How to verify an SAP BI MultiProvider definition and its mappings

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How to verify an SAP BI MultiProvider definition and
its mappings

Checking SAP BI MultiProvider mappings can be cumbersome because the user interface shows InfoProviders descriptions instead of technical names

If you want the check your MultiProvider mapping, just download 2 main tables from BI (use transaction SE16):
-RSDCUBEMULTI ‘InfoCubes concerned with MultiCube’ has the providers you have assigned to the MultiProvider
-RSDICMULTIIOBJ ‘MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects’ contains the mappings.

Things to check:
-Search for missing mappings: for example you have 3 similar cubes and 0MATERIAL is mapped to 2 of them but not to the third one.
-Inconsistent assignments: one mapping refers to a navigational attribute while a similar one refers to the InfoObject itself.

Downloading RSDICMULTIIOBJ in a spreadsheet and sorting it by IOBJNM (InfoObject in MultiProvider) may help. Also counting the number of assignments to a specific provider and comparing it to a similar provider.

Other tables that help in the MultiProvider definition are the cube ones:
-RSDCUBE ‘Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider’
-RSDCUBET ‘Texts for the InfoCubes’
-RSDDIME ‘Dimensions directory’
-RSDDIMET ‘Dimension Texts’
-RSDDIMEIOBJ ‘InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list)’
-RSDCUBEIOBJ ‘Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)’

Also executing the FM BAPI_MPRO_GETDETAIL will provide you with all the information mentioned above without dealing with all the tables.

SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

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